Now you can pay your credit cards and loans with other banks with BSN's Interbank Fund Transfer (IBFT) facility.
Bill Payment
With BSN's many bill payment channels, you can settle your bills anytime, anywhere.
Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)
Renew your SSM Business Certificate at any BSN branch throughout Malaysia
Pin Purchase
Congratulations, you made it through the school days! Now take the first step to enjoy 'life on campus' experience.
Financial Process Exchange (FPX)
Make payments without visiting BSN Branches with simple online transactions
Transfer Money to your loved ones or for business purposes with BSN Remit at BSN branches nationwide.
Operate Account by Representative
The appointment of a representative to operate the account
Prepaid Reload
Easily perform prepaid reloads instantly for your own, family and friend’s mobile number
Consent Letters for Defective Vehicle Claims
Easily request consent letters from the designated Person-in-Charge (PIC) for claims related to defective motor vehicles