myBSN Mobile App

Simplify your online banking transactions with features such as of DuitNow QR, DuitNow Transfer and more!

Safe Switch

Deactivate your myBSN access with Safe Switch whenever you suspect your Bank Account has been compromised.

myBSN Under 18 Years Old

Easy, Quick and Safe.


A simple way to send & receive money.


Hassle-free way to pay your bills.

Bill Payment

Settle your bills anytime, anywhere.


Make payment without visiting BSN branches with simple online transactions.

Prepaid Reload

Easily perform prepaid reload instantly for your own, family & friends.

EPF Voluntary Contribution

EPF contribution for a guaranteed future.

Interbank Giro (IBG)

Transfer funds, loan repayment & pay other bank’s credit card.

myBSN Internet Banking Guide

Discover the convenience of banking right from the comfort of your own home or office.