Do you have unpaid fines, outstanding credit card debts, or loans? Please do not respond to any calls from an unknown party pretending to be an officer from the bank, government agency, debt collector or even the police claiming on any of the above.

Modus operandi
  • The syndicates will often use a technique called 'ID spoofing' to dupe victims.
  • They will impersonate bank officers and call the victims to inform them about their outstanding credit card or loan debts.
  • Occasionally, a syndicate member will also impersonate a police officer and call the victim to inform them of involvement in a money-laundering activity.
  • The syndicate will use 'ID spoofing' which allows them to determine the handphone numbers displayed on the victim's phone.
  • In such cases, the victim will be duped by the call and comply with the orders given to transfer money to the syndicate's account.
What you should do?
  • Ignore suspicious phone calls claiming from the bank, government agency, debt collector or even the police.
  • Don't get duped by the call and be more vigilant. Please get in touch with the bank or local authorities to seek advice.

If you have been scammed, please inform us immediately at 1300 88 1900 or +603 2613 1900 (Overseas); or call the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997 from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm daily; or email